


Il “Mad 4 Pinball” è arrivato alla Nona Edizione

Ciao, sono ufficialmente aperte le iscrizioni alla 9ª edizione del Mad 4 Pinball il torneo più bello e divertente d’Italia.

Una 2 giorni che si terrà nel nostro show-room a Milano in Viale Carlo Troya 20 nei giorni di Sabato 10 e Domenica 11 maggio con un massimo di 64 giocatori.

Si potrà partecipare al torneo principale con le qualifiche del sabato e le finali domenica o, per chi potrà essere disponibile solo la domenica, partecipare al solo torneo secondario.

Prezzi 50€ per partecipare ad entrambe i tornei, 25€ per il solo torneo secondario.


Metodi di pagamento:

* Paypal

Solo SIDE €25


* Postepay
Numero carta 4023601031414154

codice fiscale MRLDRA65S18F205V intestata a Dario Morlacchi.


* Bonifico bancario
C/c intestato a Dario Morlacchi iban IT16C0301503200000004210799

Per qualunque altra informazione puoi contattarmi al +39 335 6131888 oppure via mail


Dario Morlacchi


Tutte le info le trovate al seguente link:

Mad 4 Pinball” has reached its nine edition!

The tournament is organized by Dario Morlacchi who, in collaboration with Giorgio De Stefani (president of the Milano Pinball Club), oversaw the event and is the owner of the space where the competitions will take place on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th of May 2024, in Milan viale Troya 20.


For the challenges, a careful selection of pinball machines will be used, including first generation solid state pinball machines, dot matrix pinball and the latest new ones.


Two different tournaments are planned for the two days: the “MAIN” with the qualifications on Saturday and the final stages on Sunday and the “SIDE” which will take place on Sunday and in which all those eliminated in the MAIN on Saturday and also all those who have specifically registered for the SIDE tournament.


There is a limit of 64 participants and registration will cost 35 euros which must be carried out no later than 8th of May 2024 and which includes participation in both tournaments.


Registration will give you the right to purchase the tournament cap for only 8 Euros

(10€ if you want it personalized with your nickname)


For those who want to participate only in the SIDE Tournament on Sunday,

the registration cost is 20 euros.

Payment methods:


*PayPal at this link.

*bank transfer to Dario Morlacchi with this IBAN



For any information you can send me an email to or call me up 3356131888


All the other info regarding the rules are on these link:


Play Pinball

Dario Morlacchi